Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your order within 15 minutes of placing it, provided that the order has not yet been processed. To cancel an order, you must contact our customer support team via email( with their order details. Once the cancellation request is received within the specified timeframe, any payment made for the order will be refunded in full to the original payment method used for the purchase.
Please note that after the 15-minute if the order has already been processed, cancellations will not be accepted.
In the event that a customer receives a damaged or defective item, they must notify us within 3 days of receiving the order. We will then arrange for a return or exchange of the item(s) at no additional cost to the customer.
Please review your order carefully before completing the purchase to ensure that it meets your expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about our cancellation policy, please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Please note that after the 15-minute if the order has already been processed, cancellations will not be accepted.
In the event that a customer receives a damaged or defective item, they must notify us within 3 days of receiving the order. We will then arrange for a return or exchange of the item(s) at no additional cost to the customer.
Please review your order carefully before completing the purchase to ensure that it meets your expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about our cancellation policy, please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.